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Your product selection from Parker Farms Cattle & Company

1/2 pork share

$562.50 per package

The 1/2 pork share includes 75 pounds of forest-raised pork. Cuts include smoked-sliced bacon, chops, ribs, boston butt roast, linked and pound sausage (multiple flavors) ect.

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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About Parker Farms Cattle & Company

We are a family owned and operated farm that specializes in grass-fed and finished beef and forest-raised pork. We move our cattle frequently, often daily, to fresh grass, in the winter their forage is supplemented with quality hay. The cattle are finished on a high quality mixed annual forage. The cattle are handled using low-stress techniques and are never given antibiotics or added hormones. Our Forest-raised pigs are heritage breeds (yorkshire, hampshire, and duroc) and are grown in the woods where they forage on grasses, legumes, forbs, roots, and whatever other goodies they dig from the dirt. The pigs are rotated to fresh pasture regularly. Their forage diet is supplemented with locally grown and milled Non-GMO grain. Our hogs are handled using low-stress techniques and are never given antibiotics or added hormones.


Parker Farms Cattle & Company
1822 Snyders Store Rd
Wingate, NC 28174

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1/4 Beef Share

$875.00 per package

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The 1/4 beef share includes various cuts including steaks, roasts, ground beef ect. This package includes 100 pounds of grass-fed and finished beef.

Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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Ground Beef Box

$395.00 per package

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Pasture Raised
Grass-fed (no grain)

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1/2 pork share

$562.50 per package

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The 1/2 pork share includes 75 pounds of forest-raised pork. Cuts include smoked-sliced bacon, chops, ribs, boston butt roast, linked and pound sausage (multiple flavors) ect.

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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Whole Pork Share

$1.00 per package

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The whole pork share includes 150 pounds of forest-raised pork. Cuts include smoked-sliced bacon, chops, ribs, boston butt roast, linked and pound sausage (multiple flavors) ect.

Pasture Raised
Heritage Breed

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